Our inspiration derives from Sarvodaya-Fusion, the leading
ICT for Development charity in
Sri Lanka. Dr.
Harsha Liyanage (principal consultant of
eNovation) has founded Fusion, as a specialised arm of
Sarvodaya, the 50 year old world renowned leading charity of
Sri Lanka.

Key lessons learned from Fusion includes:
- how to setup an economically sustainable social-enterprise operation, in a donor dependant larger development context,
- how to introduce ICTs as socially responsible, economically sound, scalable operations,
- how to integrate Information Technology and Mobile phone technology to traditional, main stream development (agriculture, micro-finance, poverty alleviation etc),
- how to nurture multi-stakeholder (corporate, state and NGO) partnerships towards project scalability and sustainability.
- how to ensure healthy social impact.
eNovation4D continues to work in partnership with Sarvodaya-Fusion in this mutually nurturing journey.
What we can offer you?
Are you involved in International development, introducing Information Communication Technologies and Mobile Phone applications to support disadvantage communities? Are you concerned about effective products and services in this sector, we can help to innovate them. Do you want to see their sustainability beyond funding cycle? We can help converting the project into a social enterprise. Do you want to understand the social impact? We can design a tailor made model to surface the social impact.
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